Canoe Trip!

This year we again canoed out of Blue Canoe Livery down in Edinburgh, IN. It was a scorcher, but a great day to be on the water! This year was another success as no one tipped over! We ate lunch on the river and even took some time to cool off!

This is an annual event, if you would like to join us in the future, please check out the website of the livery, Blue's Canoe Livery. We usually canoe the shorter trip, finish by early afternoon. We do ask that each group bring their own beverages, food, and snacks. We look forward to seeing you! Please contact Jennifer Velikan for more information.

Photos from the 2018 Canoe Trip are below!
Two of our canoeing families (Cusons and McDougals)- enjoying the atmosphere and the day!
Corbin McDougal and Claire Cuson, enjoying some shade during the hot day.
A beautiful view of the river, taken during out lunch break. Such a gorgeous view and a fun day!